Thursday, July 1, 2010

The Versatile

Thank you to Elizabeth who bestowed upon me the new moniker, The Versatile Blogger.   I actually had to leave the computer to wash my face and pour another cup of tea (Earl Grey, thank you).

Only vaguely familiar with the award, I needed to research this lovely honor. I genuinely couldn't find the origin of the thing, but found instead a group of amazingly touching stories as blogger after blogger recounted their lovely feelings for receiving it.  I've concluded that the Versatile Blogger award really represents a virtual hug, pat on the back, an official way of validating words of other people.


My morning lovin' came from Elizabeth at Musings of an All Purpose Monkey, blog of potpourri that includes book and music reviews along with personal chit chats and musings. It's one of those blogs that I visit when I need distraction from my writing and want short, quality essays. are the rules for receiving the Versatile Blogger:

  1. Thank the person who gave you the award. (Done. Thanks Elizabeth. )
  2.  Share seven facts about oneself (hmmm....will need to think about that)
  3. Pass the award along to FIFTEEN (yikes!) recently discovered bloggers, who also happen to possess an air of fabulousness. are my seven facts that people probably don't know about me.

  1. I like to eat whip cream straight from the can.
  2. I believe Hash browns were invented by angels, especially when said browns are smothered in real butter and fried extra crispy.
  3. I can still sing my high school theme song...and the theme song to Kimba the White Lion. (And, no, I'm not going to sing either one for you.)
  4. I fantasize of studying history at Cambridge, if only for a semester. I'd  study Victorian England and how the upper society compares to the Victorian upper societies of New York and San Francisco.
  5. I can play Sims3 for eight hours non-stop...ok I lied: I can actually play it 18 hours non-stop. Sheesh.
  6. I collect carnival glass.
  7. My husband woo'd me by quoting from ARMY OF DARKNESS. No, I'm not kidding.

Now I have to pass it along to 15 bloggers. Hmm. I'll need to think on that. I'll past my 15 choices on Monday.

Thanks again, Elizabeth!


  1. Mmmmm... hash browns. I love 'em scattered, smothered and covered. #7 is great! My husband and I are together because of the band KISS, so I can relate to eyebrow raising "How'd you meet?" stories.

    And you're quite welcome. :-)
